####################################### # AVAYA one-X Deskphone Language File # ####################################### # Generated by TranslationsMakros.xls # Creation Date & Time: 15Apr2010 14:19 # NAME_IN_NATIV = Français NAME_IN_ENGLISH = Parisian French NAME_IN_FRENCH_CANADIAN = Français NAME_IN_FRENCH_PARISIAN = Français NAME_IN_SPANISH_LATIN_AMERICAN = Francés NAME_IN_SPANISH_CASTILIAN = Francés NAME_IN_GERMAN = Französisch NAME_IN_ITALIAN = Francese NAME_IN_DUTCH = Frans NAME_IN_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN = Francês NAME_IN_JAPANESE = フランス語 NAME_IN_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = 巴黎法语 NAME_IN_KOREAN = 불어 NAME_IN_RUSSIAN = Французский NAME_IN_HEBREW = צרפתית NAME_IN_ARABIC = الفرنسية الباريسية # INPUTMETHOD ############## # Possible values are # 0 - ASCII # 1 - Latin-1 # 2 - German # 3 - French # 4 - Italian # 5 - Spanish # 6 - Portuguese # 7 - Russian # 8 - Albanian,Azeri,Turkish # 9 - Croatian,Slovenian # 10 - Czech,Slovak # 11 - Estonian # 12 - Hungarian # 13 - Latvian # 14 - Lithuanian # 15 - Polish # 16 - Romanian INPUTMETHOD = 3 # FONT ############## # Possible values are # Default # Korean # Chinese # Japanese FONT = Default SK_NULL = # AGC stands for “Automatic Gain Control”, an audio parameter AS_AGCSET = Réglages AGC AS_AUDIOP = Réglages audio AS_AUTOGC = AGC AS_BKUPRES = Sauveg./restauration # Refers to the brightness of the phone display AS_BRITNES = Luminosité AS_CONFIRM = Confirmation AS_CONFLNG = Confirmer langue AS_CONTRST = Contraste AS_INTERFC = Interfaces AS_MAINMEN = Menu principal AS_MISC = Divers AS_OPTSET = Options et réglages AS_QOS = Qualité de service AS_RLBLBUT = Renommer bouton AT_LOADING = Chargement... AT_NTWKINF = Infos réseau BS_EXTEN = Entrer poste BS_PASSWD = Entrer mot de passe BT_LOGIN = Ouv. session BT_URQ2006 = 2006 : pas de voie téléphonique BT_URQ2007 = 2007 : pas de signal BT_URQ2010 = 2010 : pas de signal BT_URQ2011 = 2011 : pas de signal BT_URQ2012 = 2012 : durée de vie (TTL) expirée BT_URQ2015 = 2015 : # pour réinitialiser BT_URQ2017 = 2017 : pas de ressources BT_URQ2018 = 2018 : poste libéré BT_URQ2029 = 2029 : réinitialisation système BT_URQ2033 = 2033 : réinitialisation poste BT_URQUNR = Désenregistr. : # pr réinitialiser CS_ADDENT = Ajouter contact CS_ALLCONT = Tous les contacts CS_DELENT = Supprimer élément CS_EDENTRY = Modifier élément FT_FORWARD = Fonctions de renvoi LBL_1000FLL = Intégr. 1000 Mbit/s LBL_100FULL = Intégral 100 Mbits/s LBL_100HALF = Semi 100 Mbits/s LBL_100METH = Ethernet 100 Mbit/s LBL_10FULL = Intégral 10 Mbits/s LBL_10HALF = Semi 10 Mbits/s LBL_10METH = Ethernet 10 Mbit/s LBL_802D1Q = 802.1Q LBL_802D1X = 802.1X LBL_AGCHED = AGC casque LBL_AGCHND = AGC téléphone LBL_AGCSPR = AGC haut-parleur LBL_APPFL = Fich. d'application LBL_AUDIOP = Voie audio LBL_AUTO = Auto LBL_BOOTFL = Fich. démar. # The language LBL_BRPORT = Portugais LBL_BTNCLK = Son touches # The language LBL_CHINES = Chinois LBL_CLSRVR = Servr appel # The language LBL_CNFRNC = Français canad. LBL_CNTLBL = Intitulé actuel LBL_CNTPTN = Sonnerie actuelle LBL_DEVICE = Appareil LBL_DEVID = ID appareil # As in a list of names LBL_DIREC = Répertoire LBL_DISCOV = Découvrir LBL_DSABLD = Désactivé # The language LBL_DUTCH = Néerlandais # The language LBL_ENGLISH = Anglais LBL_ERRORT = Tonalités d'erreur LBL_ETHERN = Ethernet LBL_EXTEN = Poste LBL_FLSRVR = Serveur de fichiers # “Usual”, “typical”, as in “the general case” LBL_GENERL = Général # The language LBL_GERMAN = Allemand LBL_GROUP = Groupe # The language LBL_HEBREW = Hébreu LBL_HNDSET = Casque # Refers to the place you live LBL_HOME = Maison # The language LBL_ITALYN = Italien # The language LBL_JAPANE = Japonais # The language LBL_KOREAN = Coréen LBL_L2AUD = Audio L2 LBL_L2SIG = Signal L2 LBL_L3AUD = Audio L3 LBL_L3SIG = Signal L3 LBL_LANG = Langue # “Latin American Spanish” LBL_LASPAN = Espagnol A. L. # As in a list of entries LBL_LIST = Liste LBL_LOGBRC = Enregistr. appels rejoints LBL_MACADD = MAC LBL_MANBU = Sauvegarde manuelle LBL_MANRST = Restauration manuelle LBL_MASK = Masque # Megabytes per second LBL_MBPS = Mbit/s # As in “mobile phone” LBL_MOBILE = Portable LBL_MODEL = Modèle LBL_MODULE = Module # milliseconds LBL_MSEC = Ms LBL_NAME = Nom LBL_NEW = Nouveau LBL_NEWLBL = Nouvel intitulé LBL_NO = Non LBL_NOCALL = Pas d’appel LBL_NODATA = Pas de données LBL_NUMBER = Numéro LBL_OFF = Désactivé LBL_ON = Activé # An 802.1X mode; "mode" is optional LBL_PASSTH = Mode Pass-Thru LBL_PASSWD = Mot-passe LBL_PATTRN = Sonnerie LBL_PCENET = Ethernet PC LBL_PERRNG = Personnaliser sonnerie # SN = serial number LBL_PHNSN = Nº série tél LBL_PKTLOS = Perte paquets # The language LBL_PRFRNC = Français LBL_PROTOC = Protocole LBL_PROXY = Serveur proxy # An 802.1X move, short for "pass-thru with Logoff" LBL_PSTHRW = P-T + déconnex. # PWB=printed wiring board; “comcode: is an Avaya technical term LBL_PWBCC = Comcode PWB # SN=serial number LBL_PWBSN = Nº série PWB LBL_PWBVSN = Version PWB LBL_RCCODE = Codage reçu LBL_REALM = Portée LBL_RESET = Réinitialis. LBL_RESTOR = Rétablir LBL_ROUTER = Routeur # The language LBL_RUSSIN = Russe LBL_RUSURE = Êtes-vous certain ? # Seconds; the unit of time LBL_SECOND = S # The language LBL_SPANSH = Espagnol # An 802.1X mode; "mode" is optional LBL_SUPPLC = Mode Supplicant # “Category” or “Classification”, as in “a type of call” LBL_TYPE = Type LBL_UNKNN = Inconnu LBL_USERID = ID utilisat. LBL_VISUAL = Alerte visuelle LBL_VLANID = ID VLAN LBL_VLANT = TEST VLAN LBL_YES = Oui # “The telephone call was answered” LS_ANSWERED = Appel pris LS_CLALLEN = Effacer les entrées LS_CLANSEN = Eff. appels pris # “Clear all Missed calls” LS_CLMSDEN = Eff. appels manqués LS_CLOUTEN = Eff. appels sortants # As in a missed phone call LS_MISSED = Manqués # As in an outgoing call. LS_OUTGOING = Sortant MSG_8021XF = Échec 802.1x MSG_8021XI = ID 802.1x MSG_8021XW = Attente authentification 802.1x MSG_ADCONF = Conflit d'adresse MSG_AUTH = Authentification MSG_BADADD = Erreur adresse IP MSG_BADCAL = Erreur appel MSG_BADEXT = Erreur de poste MSG_BADFL = Fichier non valide MSG_BADGK = Erreur opérateur contrôle d'appels MSG_BADGW = Passerelle incorrecte MSG_BADLIC = Erreur de licence MSG_BADPKT = Erreur paquets MSG_BADPWD = Erreur de mot de passe MSG_BADREQ = Requête incorrecte MSG_BADRQT = Erreur requête MSG_BADRTR = Routeur incorrect ? MSG_BADSET = Type modèle incorrect MSG_BADSRV = Erreur système MSG_CONFCL = Appel de conférence MSG_CONFCT = Conflit MSG_CONNCT = Connexion # Means: “Press the * button to continue programming the phone” MSG_CONTIN = * pour continuer MSG_CONTSV = Connexion serveur MSG_DISCVG = Découverte en cours MSG_EEPROM = Erreur EEPROM, réparation requise MSG_EMERGO = Option urgence MSG_EXTUSE = Poste occupé MSG_FNDRTR = Recherche de routeur MSG_FORBID = Interdit # The requested resource is no longer available. MSG_GONE = Parti MSG_HTTPAU = Authentification HTTP MSG_INCOMP = Incompatible MSG_INCOMV = Versions incompatibles MSG_INERR = Err. ouv. session MSG_INTSVR = Erreur interne du serveur MSG_LBOK = #=OK MSG_LEAVES = PAS DÉBRANCHER! MSG_LENGTH = Longueur requise MSG_LIMITR = Limite atteinte # As in “The data link is down”. MSG_LINKBAD = Err transmission MSG_LOGINF = Echec ouv. session MSG_LOGOUT = Ferm. session... MSG_NAPTER = Erreur NAPT MSG_NOCSAD = Pas de réini. adr. serveur d'appel MSG_NOETH = Pas d'Ethernet MSG_NOTACC = Non acceptable # The server has not found anything matching the request. MSG_NOTFND = Introuvable MSG_NOTIMP = Non implémenté MSG_NTWKIN = Informations réseau # Means: “Press the * button to start programming the phone” MSG_PROGRAM = * pour programmer MSG_REBOOT = Redémarrage MSG_RECON = Reconnexion # Means: “Press the # button to start phone registration” MSG_REGIST = # pour enregistrer MSG_REREG = Réenregistrement MSG_RESTNO = Échec restaur. MSG_RESTOK = Restauration OK MSG_RETRV1 = 1re récup... MSG_RETRV2 = 2e récup... MSG_RGSTR = Enregistrement MSG_RSTART = Redémarrage MSG_SRVBSY = Système occupé MSG_STARTG = Démarrage MSG_SUBCNF = Conflit sous-réseau MSG_SVFLSH = Enreg. sur c. flash MSG_UNAUTH = Non autorisé MSG_UNAV = Non disponible MSG_UNDEFE = Erreur non définie MSG_UPDATE = Mise à jour MSG_WTLLDP = LLDP en attente MSG_YESNO = # = Oui, * = No PL_BCKUPN = Echec de la sauvegarde PL_BCKUPON = Sauvegarde en cours PL_BCKUPY = Sauvegarde réussie PL_BRIN = Appel p. PL_FILEGOT = Fichier reçu ; patientez PL_FILEOK = Fichier reçu # Item 402 PL_RETRVN = Échec récupération PL_RETRVON = Récupération en cours # Item 404 PL_RETRVY = Récupération réussie PS_BRLINE = Ligne couplée PS_BRLINEU = Ligne couplée occup. PS_CONFDET = Détails conférence PS_CONFHLD = Conf. en attente PS_CONFSET = Configurer conf. # Features on the phone PS_FEAT = Fonctions PT_PHONE = Téléphone SK_ACCEPT = Accepter SK_ADD = Ajouter # Means: “Add the data to the Contacts file” SK_ADD2CTC = +Contact # “Lower case letters” SK_ALPHALOW = Abc # “Upper case letters” SK_ALPHAUP = ABC # “Answer the call” SK_ANSWER = Répondre # “Go back to the previous screen” SK_BACK = Retour SK_BACKUP = Sauveg. # Abbreviation of Backspace SK_BKSP = Ret.arr. # “Bridge on to a call” SK_BRIDGE = Passer SK_BROWSER = Navig. SK_CALL = Appeler SK_CALLLOG = Journal SK_CANCEL = Annuler SK_CHANGE = Modifier SK_CLEAR = Eff. # “Delete all entries in the call log(s)” SK_CLRALL = Eff. tt SK_COMPL = Terminer # “Conference” SK_CONF = Conf. SK_CONTIN = Continuer SK_CTCTS = Contacts SK_DEFAULT = Défaut SK_DELETE = Suppr. SK_DETAILS = Détails SK_DONE = Terminé SK_DROP = Abandon SK_EDIT = Modifier SK_ENTER = Entrée SK_EXIT = Quitter SK_FINISH = Terminer # Vmail = voice mail SK_GOTOVM = Messag. SK_HELP = Aide # As in “put the call on Hold” SK_HOLD = Attente SK_IGNORE = Ignorer SK_INSERT = Insérer SK_JOIN = Partici. SK_LOGOUT = Ferm. sess. SK_MENU = Menu SK_MORE = Suite SK_NEW = Nouveau SK_NEXT = Suivant SK_NUM = 123 # A fixed button that cannot be relabeled SK_OK = OK SK_PLAY = Écouter SK_REDIAL = Renumér. SK_REFRESH = Actual. SK_RESUME = Reprend. SK_SACOFF = RenvTsAp SK_SACON = SAC ✓ SK_SAVE = Enreg. SK_SELECT = Sélect. SK_SHHH = Silence SK_START = Lancer SK_STOP = Arrêter SK_SUBMIT = Envoyer SK_SYMBOL = Symbole # As in “start talking now” SK_TALK = Parler # “Mixed case letters” SK_TTLCASE = Abc SK_XFER = Transfé. SL_RETRY = Réessay. # Refers to a website's Home page LBL_HOMEPAGE = Accueil LBL_ERRLOG = Journal MSG_PCONTIN = # pour continuer MSG_RESET = Réinitial.... MSG_LBREST = # pr réinit. MSG_RESETTING = Réinitialisation SK_ENTER_M = Entrée # The language LBL_ARABIC = Arabe LBL_GOTOINC = Aller à Appel entrant # Similar to "Avaya Menu" (AT_AVAYAM) but shorter AT_SAMENU = Menu Avaya # Similar to "Application File" (LBL_APPFL) but shorter LBL_3APPFL = Fichier app # Similar to "One-way network delay" (LBL_1WAYD) but shorter LBL_3IPDEL = Délai IP # Similar to "Network jitter delay" (LBL_NTWKJD) but shorter LBL_3JTTR = Gigue # Same as "Packetization Delay" (LBL_PKTD) but shorter LBL_SPKTD = Délai paq. # Same as "Packet Loss" (LBL_PKTLOS) but shorter LBL_SPKTLOS = Perte paq. # Same as "Received Coding" (LBL_RCCODE) but shorter LBL_SRCCODE = Cod. reçu # Means "Press the A button to exit this application". "A" should not be translated LBL_AEXIT = A pour fermer # Means "The application menu listed under the A button." Since the A button is graphically labeled, "A" should not be translated LBL_AMENU = Menu A AS_SAUDINFO = Info audio # Uses same term as "Display Call Timers" (LBL_DSPTIM) LBL_CLTMR = Durée appels LBL_INTRFC = Interface LBL_IPINFO = Info IP # Means "Put calls on Line Appearances into the Call Log" LBL_LOGLINECALL = Enreg. appel ligne # Means "Put calls answered by others into the Call Log" LBL_LOGANSBYOTHERS = Enreg. rép. autres # Can be abbreviated to "N/A" or appropriate equivalent AS_NOTAVAIL = Non disponible # Means "No entries in the Call Log" LBL_NOENTR = Aucune entrée # Similar to "Network jitter delay" (LBL_NTWKJD) but shorter LBL_SNTWKJD = Délai gigue réseau # Means "Press the # button to continue" LBL_PDCONT = #contin. # Similar to "One-way network delay" (LBL_1WAYD) but shorter LBL_S1WAYD = Délai réseau unidirectionnel # Means "type of ringing sound the telephone makes" LBL_SING = Type sonnerie # Same as "Quality of Service" (AS_QOS) but shorter LBL_SQOS = Qualité de serv. # "Bksp" is the Backspace softkey label MSG_03BKSP = -=RetArr #=OK MSG_03ETTL = TTL expirée MSG_CLUNAV = Journal indisponible MSG_CNCYES = *=Annuler #=Oui # Means: “The Contacts application is not available MSG_CTUNAV = Contacts indisponibles # Means the Call Log feature is turned off. MSG_NOCL = Journal désactivé MSG_NOCSRV = Pas d'adr. serveur appel # Similar to "Screen & Sounds Options" (AS_SCRSND) but shorter AS_SSCRSND = Affich./Son MSG_UNREG = Désenregistrement SAGE_SHORT_CONFIRM_LOGOUT = Ferm. sess.? # Similar to "Press Log Out again to confirm." (PL_LOGOUT2) but shorter SAGE_CONFIRM_LOGOUT = Confirmer fin session # As in "What number do you want to dial?" PS_CALLWHO = Numéro ? # Same as "Conference" (PS_CONF) but shorter PS_SCONF = Conf. # As in "This call is for person xxx" PS_FORCALL = Pour # As in "This extension is in use" PS_INUSE = Occupé PS_NAME = Nom? # As in "This extension is on Hold" PS_ONHOLD = En attente # Same as "Active Call" (PS_ACTIVE) but shorter PS_SACTCL = Actif # Same as "Dialing" (PS_DIALING) but shorter PS_SDIAL = Numérotation PS_SELENT = Sélect.entrée # Same as "Incoming Call"(PS_INCCALL) but shorter if necessary PS_SINCCL = Entrant # Similar to "Transfer to" (PS_XFERTO) but shorter PS_XFER = Transférer # Means: “Add the data to the Contacts file” SK_3AD2CTC = +Contact PS_COMPLETE = Terminer? # “Delete all entries in the call log(s)” SK_DELALL = Eff. tt # As in "End this call" SK_ENDCALL = Raccroch SK_JOINQ = Partici.? # Similar to SK_NO but with the dash. SK_NEGNO = – Non # Similar to SK_YES but with a plus sign SK_PLUSYES = + Oui # Similar to AS_ADVOPT but shorter AS_SADVOPT = Options avancées # Similar to AS_CALLSET but shorter AS_SCALLSET = Paramètres appel # Similar to MSG_BADFLSV but shorter MSG_SBADFLSV = Serv. fichiers incorrect # Similar to MSG_UNREGU but shorter MSG_SUNREGU = Désenregistr. utilis. ? # Similar to MSG_USRDAT but shorter MSG_SUSRDAT = Restaurat. données util. # Similar to PL_BCKUPN but shorter PL_SBCKUPN = Echec de la sauvegarde # Similar to PL_BCKUPON but shorter PL_SBCKUPON = Sauvegarde en cours # Similar to LBL_RESTOR but shorter SK_RESTOR = Restaur # Similar to AS_IPADDRP but shorter AS_SIPADDR = Paramètres IP # Similar to LBL_SPEAKR but shorter LBL_SSPEAKR = Ht-parleur # Similar to LBL_HEDSET but shorter LBL_SHEDSET = Casque LBL_CONFM = Confirmer ? # Slightly shorter than PS_FEAT SK_FEAT = Fonct. # Short form of LBL_BTNCLK LBL_SCLIX = Son touches # Short form of LBL_ERRORT LBL_STONES = Tonalités # Slightly shorter than LBL_LOGBRC LBL_LOGBRCS = Enregistr. appels rejoints SK_ONOFF = Act/Dés SK_OFFON = Dés/Act SK_USESW = Util.-/+ # The verb, "to view settings" SK_VIEW = Afficher AS_SAUDGAIN = Améliorer son # Short form of AS_ADVOPT AS_ADVANCED = Avancé # Short form of AS_SSCRSND AS_SCREEN = Écran # Short form of AS_SSCRSND AS_SOUND = Sons # Short form of PL_PLAYRNG LBL_RINGPATTERN = Type sonn. LBL_RINGERVOL = Sonnerie # Short form of LBL_L2SIG LBL_SL2SIG = Signal L2 # Short form of LBL_L3SIG LBL_SL3SIG = Signal L3 SK_PCANCEL = #Annuler SK_PNEXT = #Suivant SK_SLOGOUT = *Ferm. sess. SK_SSAVE = *Enreg. SK_SSELECT = *Sélect. LBL_BACKUPQ = Sauveg.? LBL_RESTORQ = Rétablir? LBL_BRIGHT = Brillant LBL_ONE = Un LBL_PAUSE = Pause # "Ext" stands for "Extension", as specified by tag LBL_EXTEN LBL_SEXT = Poste # Similar to SK_USESW but longer SK_LUSESW = Util.-/+ MSG_INCOMP = Système incompatible # Similar to LBL_PERRNG but shorter AS_PSNLRINGING = Sonnerie personnelle # As in "all the list" LBL_ALL = Tous LBL_APPLICS = Applications # As in the duration of a phone call. LBL_DURATION = Durée # "Top" of a list LBL_TOP = Début # Must be shorter than SK_LOGOUT skLogout = Fin # Similar to Packetization Delay (LBL_PKTD) but shorter LBL_SPKTD2 = Délai paquets aptTime = Heure: # Relating to sound, like the voukme of the ringer or the far-end voice LBL_VOLUME = Volume # Verb, as in "Mute this call" LBL_MUTE = Couper micro # Associated with the button one presses to get voice messages LBL_MESSAGE = Message # Associated with the button one presses to exit the current application and go to the Phone application; start with tag PT_PHONE? LBL_PHNEX = Tél./Quitter # Abbreviation for "Traditional Chinese" LBL_TRAD_CHINESE = Chinois trad. # End of file